Texas Railroad Depot Museums


Amarillo Railroad Museum, Inc.
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3160 I Ave,
Amarillo, TX 79111
+1 806-335-3333

Railroad Heritage Museum & Library.
Market & 1st St.
Baird, TX.
Open: Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm

The Martin & Frances Lehnis Railroad Museum
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700 E Adams St,
Brownwood, TX 76801
+1 325-643-6376

Brownwood Harvey House
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600 E Depot St,
Brownwood, TX 76801
+1 325-646-9535

Burton Railroad Depot & Museum
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507 N Railroad St,
Burton, TX 77835
+1 979-353-0050

Red River Railroad Museum
101 E. Main St. Room #120
Denison, TX. 75020
(903) 463-6238
Open: Mon.-Sat. 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
Admission is free.|
This museum located in the old Katy depot features 5 cabooses, a diesel locomotive, a gondola car, 2 tankers, plus 1,340 sq. feet of train relics. Retired railroad employees offer guided tours.

Dickinson Railroad Museum
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218 Farm to Market 517 Rd W,
Dickinson, TX 77539
+1 281-534-4367

Eagle Lake
Eagle Lake Depot Museum|
322 East Main Street
Eagle Lake, TX 77434
HOURS: 10 AM – 3 PM – 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, by appointment, or by chance. ADMISSION: There is no admission charge, but donations are sincerely appreciated. LOCATION: North side of East Main St across Lake Avenue from Prairie Edge Museum.

Eagle Lake Depot, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and donations are used to preserve and maintain the museum while educating and informing visitors about the rich history of railroading in Eagle Lake and the surrounding area

Ennis Railroad & Cultural Heritage Museum
105 N.E. Main St.
Ennis, TX.
(972) 878-1234
Open: Mon.-Sat. 10am to 5pm. Sun. 1 to 5 pm.
The restored 1915 Southern Pacific depot now houses displays on history of the community and importance of the railroad. Exhibits include models, dioramas, photos and more.

Museum of the American Railroad
8004 N Dallas Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034
The development and prosperity of our nation are inextricably tied to the railroad.  The Museum of the American Railroad is a 50-year old collecting institution with a long history of providing quality educational and entertaining experiences to over 3 million visitors from around the world.  We continue to realize our mission of preserving and presenting our priceless collection of trains, while pursuing our vision of becoming the preeminent museum of transportation in the Southwest. 
The museum seeks to add context to the lives of present and future generations by creating an understanding of the challenges and achievements of our past.  This is accomplished through educational programming that focuses on history and social studies as well as the science & technology of railroads.  Interpretation of the collection focuses on the railroad’s influence on the spread of cultures and growth of our nation.  Emphasis is placed on providing an interactive encounter with history that inspires youngsters to learn more about their past and develop problem-solving skills for their future.  Programs not only address the past, but seek to explore the role of railroads in meeting today’s transportation needs.  We also endeavor to foster an appreciation of the arts through diverse exhibits and programs that are inclusive of the visual and performing arts.
The museum is uniquely positioned over any other institution in North Texas to preserve and interpret transportation and industrial history.  Through further investment by the community, we will increase our role as a resource for artistic, cultural, and educational programming as they relate to the profound effect of the institution of the American Railroad on our lives.   We remain committed to serving the needs of our stakeholders through the preservation of our cultural assets, high-quality, relevant programming, and sound funds management. 
Founded in 1962, the Museum of the American Railroad is a not-for-profit Texas corporation dedicated to celebrating the heritage and exploring the future of railroads through historic preservation, research, and educational programming. The museum has collected artifacts and archival material from the railroad industry to exhibit and interpret their significance in American life and culture. Exhibits and general programs are provided year-round.  Educational programs are available to local schools and universities through study trips, in-class programming & outreach, and online resources.

Center for Transportation & Commerce
2602 Santa Fe Place 
Galveston, TX. 77550
Open: daily 10am to 5pm.
A restored 1932 art-deco style Santa Fe depot houses a HO-gauge working model of the Port of Galveston, with tracks, ships, and port activities. a people’s Gallery with dozans of life-sized figures, some of which “speak” to visitors, helps to re-create a busy depot scene of the 1930’s. Six multimedia theaters present the history of Galveston’s shiping, railroading, and commerce. On once-busy tracks are over 35 vintage railroad cars and steam locomotive.

Depot Museum
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514 N High St,
Henderson, TX 75652
+1 903-657-4303

Hearne Depot Museum
9th St & Market St
Hearne, TX
Open Wed thru Sat 11-4
A unique, historic Southern Pacific depot built in 1901 with memorabilia, displays,and a Ntrak model train layout.

The 1904 Train Depot Museum
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Kingsville, TX 78363

Depot Museum and M-K-T Railroad Depot
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260 N Washington St,
La Grange, TX 78945

Historic Magnolia Depot
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426 Melton St,
Magnolia, TX 77354
+1 281-615-5697

Marshall Depot Museum
Marshall, TX.
This renovated 1912 Texas & Pacific Depot has three galleries that cover such topics as the Marshall Yards, Iron People (employees), Riding the Eagles, a model railroad, plus a working telegraph.

Milam County Railroad Museum in Cameron
101 West Main St.
Cameron, Tx 76520
open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Railroad Museum
Front St.
Mineola, TX.
Open: Mon.-Fri. 10am to 2pm.
An old Texas & Pacific depot now houses railroad memorabilia and exhibits, which document the cotton industry and the shipping of bales of cotton on trains to markets. Nearby is a restored caboose.

New Braunfels
New Braunfels Railroad Museum

W. San Antonio St. (P.O. Box 310475)
New Braunfels, TX. 78131-0475
(210) 625-2385
Open: Fri.-Sun. 12 noon to 4pm.
A restored 1881 Victorian station displays scale model train layouts, 2 rooms of south Texas train memorabilia, a Missouri-Pacific caboose, and a saddle-tank steam locomotive.

Interurban Railway Station Museum
901 E. 15th St.
Plano, TX. 75074
(972) 941-7250
Open: 10am-2pm weekdays and 1-5pm Saturdays.
Located in Haggard Park is a restored 1908 Texas Electric Railway Station, which houses memorabilia of the interurban railway history. Outside, not open to the public, is an electric car being restored.

Rockdale International & GREAT Northern
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11 Main St,
Rockdale, TX 76567
+1 512-446-2020

Rosenberg Railroad Museum
1921    Avenue F.
Rosenberg, TX.
(281) 633-2846
Exhibits include Tower 17 which controlled the crossing of the Gulf Colorado & Santa Railroad (Santa Fe) and the Galveston Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Company (Southern Pacific). The “Quebec” a business car built in 1879 as a wooden coach by the Northern Railway of Canada.
The museum houses the Roy Ekstrum lantern collection, an extensive collection of both oil burning and early battery lanterns use on the railroad.
 There is an eight-minute film that gives an overview of the eight railroads that once traversed Fort Bend County.  Artifacts and photos from these railroads are exhibited there, as well as historic photos from the area.  There are some great images of the December 1924 snowfall, and an image of a train literally blown off the tracks by the 1900 hurricane.  There are objects used by employees in the depots, in the railyards, and along the tracks, as well as job titles and descriptions of many long-gone occupations.  They also have photographs of nearly every depot that served Fort Bend County.  There are also buttons, badges, tools, lamps, lanterns, china and flatware, locks and keys, brochures and timetables – and so much more.

San Angelo
Railway Museum of San Angelo
703 S Chadbourne St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 486-2140
Open: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every Saturday
The Museum is housed in the former one of a kind Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad (KCM&O) Depot built in 1909.
Exhibits include: Railroad Artifacts, Model Railroad Layouts and Displays, History Galley Room of Historic Photos of San Angelo and the railroad, the vast Allen Johnson Collection of over 70,000 historic Photos, negatives and slides of San Angelo and the railroads of the world, A GE 44 ton locomotive,GP9 locomotive, Santa Fe caboose and a Santa Fe box car.

San Antonio
Texas Transportation Museum
11731 Wetmore Rd.
San Antonio, TX.
(210) 490-3554
Open: Thurs.-Sun. 9am to 4pm.
A 37-acre park featuring vintage railcars, railroad exhibits, antique vehicles, antique fire equipment, horse-drawn carriages, and train rides.

Burlington-Rock Island Railroad Museum
208 S. Third Ave.
Teague, TX.
254-359-4100 evenings
254-739-2061 Teague Chamber of Commerce
Open: Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5pm.
This old 1906 two-story brick depot is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and now houses varied relics from the golden age of steam railroads, plus a locomotive, a caboose and county historical items.

Railroad & Heritage Museum
315 West Avenue B
Temple, TX 76501
254) 298-5172
Open: Mon. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tues. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m
Formerly located at South 31st & Ave. H. and housed in the former Moody Texas Santa Fe Railroad Station. It is now housed in the beautifully restored former Temple Santa Fe depot. Exhibits devoted to the early days of railroading in Texas, pioneer, farm, and ranch articles, a retired steam locomotive #3424, and a 1927 caboose #1556 both from the Colorado, & Santa Fe Railway, which was later absorbed into the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. The troop sleeper a 1913 Pullman sleeping car “Clover Glade”, the lightweight silverside sleeper “Pine Mesa”, the oldest surviving Santa Fe diesel locomotive, the Santa Fe #1680 diesel locomotive, two other cabooses and a boxcar.

Cotton Belt Museum

210 East Oakwood Street,
Tyler, TX
Open 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Thursday, Friday & Saturday
 The museum is located in the Cotton Belt Depot which served railroad passengers from 1905 until 1956. The Museum provides memories of the operation of the Cotton Belt and a venue for the public, both young and old, to learn about the history of the railroad industry.

Wichita Falls
Railroad Museum
501 E. 8th St.
Wichita Falls, TX.
(817) 322-2294 or 322-8253
Open: Sat. 12 noon to 4pm.
Eleven vintage railcars including a Missouri-Kansas-Texas diesel switch engine, a Texas & Pacific Pullman car, two World War II troop sleepers, a Fort Worth & Denver baggage car and post office car, and the Burlington coach “Silver Falls”, plus a number of Cabooses.